About my Blog

Like Food? Then you are in the right place. I love food. I love to see it, smell it, and taste it. I like to try to make it too. This my kitchen and my cooking. It's not always perfect, but it's made with love. Take a peek and try some out. Welcome to The Tiny Kitchen That Could

Friday, September 23, 2011

Pumpkin Pie Bites

Here we go, it's September!

That means I can start making 'fall' desserts and food without having to explain anything!

I love fall, it is my favorite season. Things are getting cooler, colorful, and cozy. Halloween and Thanksgiving are around the corner. Holidays are a BIG deal to me, I love them! I love to decorate and I love to spend time with family.

My first 'fall' item is PUMPKIN.

Can't go wrong with it. Especially when its bite sized! I found this recipe from Bakerella back in June and have been dying to make it since.

Let's get started!

Pumpkin Pie Bites

You need:

Mix the Nom Noms together.
(Did you see? I got a new mixer!!! I named him Artie.)

Cut out pumpkin shapes on the pie crust

I alternated them so they wouldn't touch each other while cooking.

Using a pastry brush, rub egg whites on the pie crust then fill with the mixture.

Bake them for about 10 to 15 min.

And then, viola!

MMMM, delicious!

Pumpkin Pie Bites
2 refrigerated ready-to roll pie crusts
8 oz. cream cheese, room temperature
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup canned pumpkin
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
Pumpkin-shaped cookie cutter

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Use cookie cutter to cut 12 pumpkin shapes from each pie crust. You will need to roll the dough thinner than it comes out of the box.
Press dough shapes into a 24 cup mini muffin tray. (Make 12 at a time, alternating cups to make sure pie crusts don’t overlap each other.)
Apply egg whites from one egg to the top edges of each pie.
Mix cream cheese, sugar, canned pumpkin, remaining 2 eggs, vanilla and pumpkin pie spice together until thoroughly combined.
Spoon mixture into each pumpkin-shaped pie crust.
Bake for 12-15 minutes.
Remove pies to cool and repeat with second pie crust. Place the muffin tray in the freezer to cool it quickly for re-use.
Makes 24 pies. Keep refrigerated.

Note: The cutter I used was 3 3/4 inches wide, but if you don’t have one, don’t worry. Just use a round cutter around that size or slightly smaller to cut circle shapes out of the dough. Then make stems with the scraps. Press each stem over the edge and down the side of the dough before filling.
Pumpkin pie spice is a mixture of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and allspice.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Open for Business


Welcome to my Kitchen.

Its Tiny.
(When that dishwasher is open, there is less than a foot of space from it to the oven.)

It's out of date.
(It's October for cryin' out loud, why does that calender say June?!?!)

There are always dishes to do.
(But at least I can put a dish in the sink without taking a step, no matter where I stand!)

And it's mine.
(This is me.)

(I sometimes wear makeup to.)

I am a wife, mother, student, and all around life lover.
I work full time, go to school full time, take care of my home, son, and husband (full time).

I also love to cook, bake, and eat.

The best part about cooking though is sharing it with others.

That's why I'm here.

I scour the internet, follow blogs, buy magazines and reciepe books, always wanting to find the next best dish. Not to mention improve upon my skills at the stove.

I am a normal woman, more normal than lots of blogs I follow.
I won't blog everyday, my pictures will be taken with my phone, and I will make a mess.

I used to put anything I baked on my other blog Leigh's Landing, but I have decided to seperate them. Anyhting food will go here, and ECT. will go on my other blog.

I love bite size, mini, tiny things, so if you do to, stick around.
If you don't, stick around anyway, I have been know to make large items too (plus, I bet I can make you love the term 'bite sized').

This is:

The Tiny Kitchen That Could